Following the trends in the software industry, ESI CEE is launching new set of trainings, right from the source, at the beginning of 2013:
- 20-21 February 2013– Scrum & CMMI: Disciplined Agile & Process Optimization – Kent A. Johnson and David Reo
- 20-21 March 2013– Kanban: Optimize success – David J. Anderson, Teodora Bozheva
- April 2013 – Leading a Development Team
The first two courses are presented by their authors! David Anderson will also present his book ‘Kanban, Successful Evolutionary Change for Your Technology Business’ (published in Bulgarian by Rexintegra).
Scrum & CMMI: Disciplined Agile & Process Optimization – The primary goal of this interactive 2 day course is to help teams get the most out of using Agile Methods together with CMMI. In this course “Agile attributes” will be presented and what they bring to a CMMI Implementation, “CMMI attributes” and what they bring to Agile Methods, the implications of Agile Methods on SCAMPI Appraisals, and performing Scrum Capability Assessments. Real-world experiences from CMMI Maturity Level 2 through 5 organizations are shared in the form of success stories, failures, and root causes. Interactive exercises are used to reinforce the concepts presented and to relate the concepts to participants’ business objectives. This course is intended for executives, managers, project managers, team members, and process engineers in organizations developing and maintaining software-intensive systems. The course will be presented by Kent A. Johnson and David Reo from AgileDigm, Incorporated, partner of the Software Engineering Institute (SEI), Scrum Foundation, and Scrum Inc.
Kanban: Optimize success – This two-day course introducing participants to the Kanban method and helping them acquire basic skills on designing a Kanban system and putting it in place for managing software development projects and operations. Kanban is a lightweight method both in agile and plan-driven organizations. The course is oriented towards people involved in any phase of software development from the conception of the idea to its delivery to the Client – Managers, Project leaders, Team leaders, Analysts, Developers and Quality Engineers, Scrum product owners and Scrum masters who would like to extend their knowledge in agile techniques. The course will be presented by its author David J. Anderson, who will also have an official presentation of his book in Bulgaria, and Teodora Bozheva as co-instructor.
Leading Development Team – This three-day course is designed to teach first-line managers or team leaders how to manage projects quantitatively in order to complete projects on schedule, within budget, and with all requirements met. The course covers the knowledge and skills leaders need to effectively lead and coach development teams. It will also give participants new ways to benefit from applying selected best-practice concepts from Agile methodologies for managing teams and improving development experience.
Please contact us by December 10th to book your seat and obtain additional information for registration at +359 2 489 9740; +359 897 906 431; Hristina Nikolova – Training Manager ESI Center Eastern Europe; hristina (at) esicenter (dot) bg