To meet the demands for cutting edge models in process improvement and information security ESI CEE adapted leading methodologies for the needs of small and medium businesses in the region.
“These models enable companies to build effective strategy, to optimize their work processes, to reduce production costs and manage risks. They have proved to be effective worldwide and are used by leading international companies. The methodologies, are specially tailored to the needs of SMEs in the region by ESI CEE, have helped over 40 companies in Southeast Europe to increase their competitive advantages for the last five years, “said Dr. George Sharkov, Director of ESI CEE.
Over 50 representatives of companies, universities, organizations and ICT clusters from the Bulgarian-Serbian cross-border region were introduced to modern models for strategic management (Balanced Scorecard), information security and business continuity (Resilience Management), optimization and improvement of services (Capability Maturity Model for Services ) and managing software teams (Team Software Process / Personal Software Process). Among the organizations participating in the conference were representatives of: Ministry of Transport and Information Technologies and Communications – Bulgaria, Embassy of Serbia in Bulgaria, Sofia University, Technical University of Sofia, New Bulgarian University, University of Nish, Bulgarian ICT Cluster, Free Zone Pirot, Philip Morris – Serbia , Telegroup, IBM and others.
The event provided excellent opportunities to establish direct contacts between universities, companies, institutes and industry associations from Bulgaria and Serbia. The participants discussed options for joint cooperation projects in the field of ICT education, as well as concrete ideas for joint business. Bulgarian universities shared their experience in IT training programs and projects with their colleagues from University of Nis. Synergy was established with a Bulgarian- Serbian project for technology transfer and innovation in microelectronics. Experts in globally recognized certification standards stated that it was extremely valuable for them to make comparisons between various models and standards for safety and quality.
The Process and Quality Improvement Conference was organized by ESI CEE in partnership with Regional Chamber of Economy Nis under the “Building cross-border competitiveness through partnership and networking project” financed by EU through Bulgaria-Serbia IPA Cross-Border Program through the Bulgaria – Serbia IPA Cross-border Programme.
This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of European Software Institute – Center Eastern Europe and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.