We are launching new series of trainings on the latest versions of the CMMI models (DEV, SVC), Resilience Management Model (RMM), and TSP/PSP by Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon (SEI). The start is by Managing IT Services CMMI Week 5 – 9 Dec, in ESI CEE Training Center in Sofia, Business Park Sofia (Mladost 4), bldg.11B, fl.1, Sofia.
It will cover the latest versions of three of the most important Service Maturity courses:
- Managing Service Organization’s Maturity – an Executive Overview of CMMI for Services – half day (8 Dec)
- Introduction to CMMI for Development v.1.3 – 3 days (5-7 Dec)
- Services Supplement to CMMI for Development v.1.3 (SEI upgrade from CMMI DEV to CMMI SVC) – 1 day (9 Dec)
All courses will be presented in English by Teodora Bozheva, a SEI-certified CMMI for Services and CMMI-DEV instructor with more than 10 years of experience in training and coaching CMMI organizations.
For registration and more detailed information, please contact (before 18 November, Friday):
Hristina Nikolova (ESI CEE Training Manager)
hristina (at) esicenter (dot) bg or +359 2 4899740
“Introduction to CMMI for Development v.1.3” is the latest version of a three-day course introducing managers and practitioners, appraisal team members, and process improvement teams to CMMI fundamental concepts. The CMMI for Development (CMMI-DEV) model is a model that helps organizations to improve their ability to develop and maintain quality products and services. Ideal for project managers, product developers, software and service engineers, process implementers, appraisal team members, and anyone interested in learning about CMMI-DEV. For more information about the course content please visit http://www.sei.cmu.edu/training/P91.cfm
“Services Supplement to CMMI for Development v.1.3” is a one-day course introducing CMMI fundamental concepts related to service delivery and management. The CMMI for Services (CMMI-SVC) model defines effective practices that ensure that quality services are delivered to customers and end users. Suitable for participants who have successfully completed a 3-day ‘Introduction to CMMI for Development’ course (version 1.1-1.3). For more information please visit http://www.sei.cmu.edu/training/P69B.cfm Introduction to CMMI for Development v.1.3 and Services Supplement to CMMI for Development v.1.3 are official accredited courses of the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) at the Carnegie Mellon University. Participants, who successfully complete the courses, will obtain a certificate and will be registered in the SEI database.
“Managing Service Organization’s Maturity – an Executive Overview of CMMI for Services” is a half-day workshop that gives a top-level view of the CMMI for Services model, providing senior level managers with a sufficient insight needed to take correct decisions related to the definition and the improvement of the processes of a Service-oriented organization. The workshop is oriented to senior managers as well as product and technical managers representing the main business units of the organization, and will address such issues as: how Service Improvement can benefit the business objectives of an organization, the tangible and intangible benefits of Service Improvement, and to appreciate the time and effort needed to move between the CMMI Maturity levels.