The Cyber-Resilience Lab (CyResLab) of the European Software Institute – Center Eastern Europe is announcing three cybersecurity courses this summer in Sofia. Dates are as follows:
- 21 June 2019, Introduction to Practical Cryptography
- 4 July 2019, Top 10 Web Threats for Devs
- 5 July 2019, Top 10 Web Threats for QA
Those courses are targeted to SME’s software developers, designers, application and system engineers. This is the technical layer of the general lines of ESI CEE in the field of Security by Design, Cyber Resilience, Privacy by Default and Secure Coding.
All trainings are developed and maintained in English. In case only Bulgarian-speakers are present, the course is led in Bulgarian, otherwise the working language will be English.
For more information, or to confirm your interest, contact Christina Todorova at tina (at) esicenter (dot) bg or +359 883 421 983