Leading a Development Team, SEI/Carnegie Mellon University certified training

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When: 11-13 June, 2014 (9:00 – 17:00)
Where: ESI CEE e-Competence Center in Business Park Sofia, Mladost 4, bldg.11B, floor 1
Instructor: Valentina Ivanova, PhD, PMP – SEI-certified instructor

Leading a Development Team – This 2,5-day course is designed to teach first-line managers or team leaders how to manage projects quantitatively in order to complete projects on schedule, within budget, and with all requirements met. The course covers the knowledge and skills leaders need to effectively lead and coach development teams. This course provides examples of practical leading and lagging quality indicators, which leaders can use in guiding their decisions. By controlling quality, schedule and budgets become more predictable. The relationship between quality and its impact on cost and schedule is also discussed, along with quantitative techniques used to manage them.

For more information please visit www.sei.cmu.edu/training/P17B.cfm


Successful completion of this course enables participants to:

  • describe how the use of operational procedures and data can be effectively used by teams and individuals, can improve software development activities and provide positive motivation for engineers and teams
  • demonstrate key behaviors for successfully leading and coaching teams
  • show how to quantitatively manage projects through the use of effective cost, schedule and quality measures ∙ describe the basic concepts on which the TSP is built
  • provide a working-level understanding of how individuals and teams apply the TSP

Ideal for: First-level software managers who directly manage software development, such as software project managers, software team leaders, and supervisors.

Instructor: The Leading a Development Team course will be delivered by Valentina Ivanova, PhD, PMP – SEI-certified instructor with considerable experience in training, coaching and practical implementation.

Certificate: Upon successful completion of a course attendees will receive a certificate from Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University (SEI/CMU) and European Software Institute CEE as an authorized partner of SEI.

Kindly confirm your interest to book your place or contact us for any questions concerning registration and further details at hristina (at) esicenter (dot) bg or +359 2 4899740; +359 897 906 431 – Hristina Nikolova (ESI CEE Training Manager)

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