ESI Center Bulgaria Presents First BITS Workshop, Sofia, September 30, 2004

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The workshop on Balanced IT Scorecard – BITS, for the first time in Bulgaria, presented the strategic and operational management methodology developed at the European Software Institute, Spain.

BITS is an effective communication mechanism for formulating, transmitting and agreeing on the strategy of an organisation, facilitating the alignment of improvement initiatives with the overall strategic business plan and the elaboration of a comprehensive and balanced strategic measurement system.

The workshop was presented by David Reo, Seniour Consultant at the European Software Institute. David Reo is one of the authors of Balanced IT Scorecard methodology. At ESI he is responsible for the development and management of process improvement measurement programs and consultancy actions primarily built around the Balanced IT Scorecard.

Interest in the benefits from BITS and its practical implementation was shown by all participants 40 executive and operational level representatives from financial sector organizations, software companies high ranking public administration officers, as well as donor organizations.

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