The SEnDIng consortium is organising a special session “Education and training on Data Science and IoT” during the PCI 2020 conference ( It will take place online on 21 November.
We welcome submissions from all topics of education and training applied to Data Science and IoT, including (but not limited to) the following:
- VET programs on Data Science or IoT
- Academic curricula on Data Science or IoT
- Post-graduate programs or courses on Data Science or IoT
- Best practices on Data Science or IoT education and training
- Work-based learning on Data Science or IoT
- Data Science or IoT educational and training policies at the national and international level
- National and international projects related to Data Science or IoT education and training
- Training needs of the labour market related to Data Science or IoT
Important Deadlines
Full Paper Submission: September 28, 2020
Notification of Authors: October 20, 2020
Camera-Ready Papers: November 5, 2020
Conference Dates: November 20-22, 2020
Submission & Registration
Authors are invited to submit original manuscripts, in English, limited in length to six (6) pages.
The submitted papers will be peer-reviewed on the basis of technical quality, relevance to the scope of PCI, originality, significance, and clarity. Note that submitted papers should have neither been published nor submitted for publication elsewhere.
Submission platform: EasyChair submission platform. Choose a special session: Education and training on Data Science and IoT
The templates can be retrieved from here:
Registration: At least one author of each paper must register and present the paper at the conference.
PCI 2020 Proceedings will be published in the ICPS Series, published by ACM and included in the ACM Digital Library. The ISBN assigned to the PCI 2020 proceedings volume is 978-1-4503-8897-9.
Programm Committee Chair
- Rigou Maria, Assistant Prof., University of Patras,
- Gkamas Vasileios, PhD., University of Patras,
Program Committee
- Voyiatzis Ioannis, Prof., University of West Attica
- Sgouropoulou Cleo, Prof., University of West Attica
- Paraskevas Michael, Associate Prof., University of Peloponnese & Computer Technology Institute & Press “Diofantus”
- Sirmakessis Spiros, Prof., University of Peloponnese
- Kitsos Paris, Associate Prof., University of Peloponnese
- Zarouchas Thomas, PhD, Computer Technology Institute and Press “Diophantus”,
- Perikos Isidoros, PhD, University of Patras
- Bruce Alan, PhD, Universal Learning Systems
- Kyurdyan Violeta, Training Manager, European Software Institute – Center Eastern Europe
- Gueorguiev Ivaylo, Program Manager, European Software Institute – Center Eastern Europe
- Varbanov Pavel, Project Coordinator, European Software Institute – Center Eastern Europe