
The Be@CyberPro Project aims to foster cybersecurity as a career choice among high school students. To do this, the project consortium will develop and pilot a dedicated learning platform, containing sets of learning materials and inspirational content (videogame and videos) in English, Spanish, Hungarian and Bulgarian. Separate sets of materials will be developed for students, teachers (and schools) and parents.

We believe that better awareness about cybersecurity careers could positively impact more young people choosing this path and that more female role models in cybersecurity can motivate girls into choosing cybersecurity education: (1) through the development of problem-solving skills by means of cybersecurity challenges; (2) using a cyber environment that combines problem- game-, and virtual reality learning methods; (3) introduce more female role models in cybersecurity careers; (4) giving useful information to schools about the cybersecurity industry so they could better inform students and their families about cybersecurity education and career opportunities.

Be@CyberPro is a 2-year project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

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