Information and Security Newsletter

Shortly after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, ESI CEE teamed up with IICT-BAS, under the auspices of the British Embassy, to deliver a newsletter dedicated to cybersecurity. This initiative, designed to disseminate information on COVID-related cyber threats, attacks, and solutions, specifically targets Bulgarian businesses while incorporating best practices from the UK.

Published in both English and Bulgarian, the newsletter is available on the official websites of the Institute of Information and Communication Technologies (IICT-BAS) at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS), and is distributed through the contact networks of the British Embassy in Sofia. This project leverages the British Embassy Sofia’s historical collaborations with key Bulgarian cybersecurity players, involving the UK Science and Innovation Network (SIN) and Defense and Security partnership teams.

Each issue of the newsletter features the latest news in cybersecurity related to COVID-19 and SME/ME, presents an analytical paper on a key topic, recommends strategies for prioritized issues, and offers valuable cybersecurity resources. It also highlights key institutions from Bulgaria, the United Kingdom, NATO, and the EU engaged in cybersecurity efforts.

George Sharkov and Christina Todorova of ESI CEE helmed the fifth newsletter issue. In this issue, our team aimed to delve into the various applications of AI in combating the COVID-19 pandemic through the lens of cybersecurity and data privacy. We discussed several ethical considerations and proposed guidelines for companies and SMEs on the safe use of AI technologies. Additionally, we explored recent developments and interesting applications of AI in this context, underscoring the need for innovative security approaches in our increasingly digital and interconnected world.

You can read our issue of the newsletter here:

Find out more about the initiative here:

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